

About GigJam

I play in an independent band, and last December we were supporting the international act 'Jazz Emu'

They told us how they were barely breaking-even on their Australian tour but needed to expand their audience. This became more evident when the act couldn't afford to tour with their full band and asked to borrow some of our gear in exchange for a beer. It made me think about all the times I've needed access to musicians for a last-minute show or an amp because the venue didn't supply one. Within the music scene, especially at a local level, bands are constantly in need of musicians and music gear. This could be due to members puling out, solo artists needing musicians However, they must rely on their immediate network for cheap and efficient solutions. The problem is that lots of musicians don't have an extensive network, let alone a reliable one. This is especially true for touring musicians in foreign cities. All musicians need to play live and release music so they can earn money and expand their audience. Musicians also need more sources of income. What if musicians could earn passive income at no extra cost by making their instruments and talent available to other musicians? As a proponent of this, what if artists could easily meet and talk to other artists based on a positive experience from GigJam?


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